Friday 23 September 2011

How Checkatrade works for a trader???

Once you have joined and have successfully passed our vetting procedure (see below) you will need to start building your reputation with us. This is done quite simply by giving all your customers (and we don’t mind you going back to past ones) a Reputation Report Card for them to complete and send back to us.
At that point (usually about a month) members are able to proudly say to a potential customer that they are part of a scheme that is designed to isolate cowboys and only promote honest reliable trades. They give their customers a Reputation Report Card whilst saying, “Can I give this to you now? If you decide to use me, when I’ve finished the job could you please give me some scores and a comment and send it back to Checkatrade, then my next customer will know what you think about me and that’s really important to me”.
They can add, “I want you to know you will get the job done right first time so please visit the web site ( printed in the card or call the freephone number and they will give you an up-to-date appraisal of what all my previous customers have said about me.
This has real power in generating consumer confidence and will help massively in helping turn those quotations into confirmed jobs. - Read more about the benefits of membership.

Now you want to join, what happens after you contact us?

Trades and services who apply to join Checkatrade are first informed that they will be interviewed, vetted and then, via public feedback, continually monitored and that the results will be made public.

The interview takes place.
At a mutually convenient time we will visit you, preferably in your office or place of work.
The vetting takes place.
This is comprehensive but most of the work is undertaken by Checkatrade.
  • Qualifications - We require proof that you are qualified to undertake your chosen profession.
  • Insurance - We require proof that you hold Public Liability and combined insurance if you employ people.
  • Utility Bills - We require 2 utility bills that show you live / work from the place you state you do.
  • Identification - We require to see either your drivers license or passport.
  • Tax reference code - We require proof that you are registered with HM Revenue & Customs for tax purposes.
  • Trading Standards - We require you to sign a document that will permit us to talk to trading standards about you.
  • Referees - We require 6 referees for us to write to: 4 customer, 2 trade/professional.
  • Code of Ethics and Conduct - We require you to sign to agree to follow them.
  • Credit Check - We will perform a Credit Check on you to check your financial history.
Substandard businesses do not get past this point. However genuine professionals have nothing to fear!
The monitoring takes place.
All members agree to give out personalised Reputation Reports to all their customers at the start of a job. Filled in by your customer and sent back directly to Checkatrade via freepost, your customer comments and scores will start to build your reputation.
The results are made public via our web site on your very own profile page. We notify our members when new feedback is received via email and text. All customer feedback is handled personally by Checkatrade. They are checked for authenticity by phoning back the customers, or verified automatically via email.
Aproximately 33% of all feedback is verified or spot checked by a member of staff.
The satisfaction takes place.
Read and view some of our members testimonals, they areall genuine and new ones are added regularly. This could be you in 3 months!