Thursday 15 March 2012

Trading standards office warning on bogus crime callers!

House holders in Dudley borough are being warned to be on their guard against bogus crime prevention callers.
Trading standards officers say people contacted by crime prevention or home safety campaigners, who often say they are working with the police, may in fact be talking to unscrupulous sales workers.
The callers are likely to be from companies selling monitored burglar alarm systems with free alarms but a whopping fee of up to £5,000 to monitor them.
Rogue callers may also try to con people by falsely claiming police will no longer attend a domestic burglary.
Councillor David Stanley, Dudley cabinet member responsible for trading standards, said: “These traders often contact vulnerable or elderly members of our communities. Its important residents remain cautious about cold callers and warn family, friends and neighbours to do the same.”
Trading standards advise people never to make an appointment and anyone receiving a call from someone making these claims should inform them.