Thursday 16 February 2012

Rogue traders given cold shoulder!

Cold callers and rogue traders will be getting the cold shoulder in an area of Bradford.
Bradford Council is joining forces with West Yorkshire Police and Trading Standards to launch a ‘No Cold Calling’ scheme in the St Wilfred’s area of Lidget Green.
Door stickers and street signs aimed at deterring uninvited sales people will be pasted up warning “no cold calling”.
Areas to be targeted include those where doorstep criminals are known to have operated and where older people live.
Councillors, police officers and Trading Standards officers will be talking to residents about the scheme.
Bradford Council deputy leader Councillor Imran Hussain said: “Forewarned is forearmed and people should not take risks when answering their doors to anyone. Cold calling by hard salesman is very unnerving for some people, especially the elderly and those who live alone.”
Local Councillor Joanne Dodds said: “I think it sends out a warning message to the culprits and makes them think twice about cold calling on people and empowers people to say no or just ignore the unwanted callers.”