Friday 2 December 2011

Give ‘rogues’ the cold shoulder!

Rogue traders who cold call vulnerable residents and scam their way to thousands of pounds are to get an icy reception, warn police and trading standards watchdogs.
Officers have teamed up as part of a national campaign to tackle rogue traders, and are urging neighbours to turn away cold callers who offer work such as gardening, roofing and resurfacing. They have been out on patrol stopping workmen and checking their activities.
Watchdogs warn the work is often unnecessary, done to a poor standard and substantially overpriced.
Insp Derek Riley said: “This has been a successful operation, and we hope it encourages people who have been victims of this kind of crime to come forward.”
Councillor Alison Bacon said: “It is important for Trading Standards and the police to do as much as possible to stop these criminals.”
Legitimate workmen stopped by the patrols were offered advice on joining St Helens’ Trading Standards Trader Register.